‘Hustle’ MOVIE REVIEW: Adam Sandler Scores a Swish with Netflix Sports Drama
Whether you’re a sports fan, or simply a move fan, Hustle is a huge score for Sandler …
Whether you’re a sports fan, or simply a move fan, Hustle is a huge score for Sandler …
Rudimentary fight sequences, stilted dialogue, cringe-worthy sets… the list of missteps goes on and on.
A hit and miss affair, although it does carry a strong horror aesthetic genre fans will appreciate…
Clayne Crawford gives an outstanding performance in this powerful drama about the human condition …
An event series may have suited the topic more, but this is still a worthy watch…
Even that Momoa charm and screen presence do little for this one…
Gillian Jacobs (Community) stars in this creepy, fresh take on an old formula…
Old, unfortunately, is a struggle…
Although, it may be okay if bells and whistles are all you need from a comic-book movie…
How could it have all gone so wrong?