Pamela Hayden, who has voiced Milhouse Van Houten on The Simpsons for 35 years, is officially stepping away from the beloved series. Her final performance aired recently in “Treehouse of Horror Presents: Simpsons Wicked This Way Comes,” concluding a remarkable era for one of Springfield’s most recognisable voices.
“How many actors can say they’ve worked on a show for 35 years straight? That alone is amazing,” Hayden said in a recent Variety article. “But it was time for me to devote my time to other creative endeavours that I have, like filmmaking. It was a tough decision, but I feel like it was the right one.”
Moving Beyond Milhouse
Hayden is now focused on new creative projects, including her documentary Jailhouse to Milhouse, which explores her tough upbringing and aims to inspire at-risk youth. “When I speak to at-risk girls, I say, ‘If I can do it, you can do it.’ Because that’s true. I’m no different than them,” she said. She has also co-written a musical, though she admits its production has faced challenges post-COVID.
A Legacy in Springfield
Milhouse first appeared in a 1989 Butterfinger commercial, and Hayden brought him to life on The Simpsons with a mix of humour and vulnerability. Reflecting on her time, Hayden described the job as “a once-in-a-lifetime show” and recalled fond memories of working alongside celebrity guest stars like the Rolling Stones and Meryl Streep.
As producers begin casting a new voice for Milhouse and her other characters, Hayden encouraged aspiring actors to add their own touch to the role. “I don’t think it’s ever good to just do an impression,” she advised.
Showrunner Matt Selman said Hayden “added a magic to The Simpsons that will never be forgotten,” while creator Matt Groening praised her for making Milhouse hilarious yet real. “We will miss her,” he said.
Saying Goodbye to Milhouse
Milhouse’s enduring optimism, embodied by lines like “Everything’s coming up Milhouse!” remains a fan favourite. “What I liked about Milhouse is even though he gets kicked around, he always feels like tomorrow’s going to be a better day. Whether it is or not. And I think that’s great,” Hayden said.
Though her chapter on The Simpsons has ended, Hayden’s impact on Springfield and her fans is undeniable. “I’ll still have a special place in my heart for that blue-haired boy,” she said. “But the show will go on.”
Hayden also took to social media with a video message to her fans, saying, “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate you. From the bottom of heart, thanks. Take care.”