‘Magic Mike’s Last Dance’ MOVIE REVIEW: Channing Tatum and Steven Soderbergh Threequel Doesn’t Quite Bare All
Despite good chemistry between our two leads, MMLD isn’t quite the poignant-drama or high-energy dance film it thinks it is…
Despite good chemistry between our two leads, MMLD isn’t quite the poignant-drama or high-energy dance film it thinks it is…
The desire to place nostalgia at the forefront, ironic given the message of not interfering with the past, renders the joy extinct…
The movie equivalent of a hot tea for the soul. A must-see for fans of the hit series…
With Easter eggs and fan service aplenty, MCU aficionados will no doubt find plenty to enjoy…
A compelling, twisted, fevered gut-punch of a film…
While the film lacks consistency, there is no denying the joy in watching Tatum and Bullock’s chemistry…
The right balance of playfulness and grit, with a return to the whimsical tone of the first film…
Lucas Hedges also stars in a film that is as humorous as it is crushing…
A confronting, albeit necessary acknowledgment of a struggle that never went away.
With Rashida Jones and Bill Murray on absolute fire…