‘Blood Father’ MOVIE REVIEW: A Fun Ride Down a Familiar Road
A surprisingly enjoyable ride for fans of the action-thrillers of yesterday.
A surprisingly enjoyable ride for fans of the action-thrillers of yesterday.
An easy recommendation for anyone looking for some interesting Batman material.
A reflective and unexpectedly life-affirming experience.
A friendly and enjoyable experience, even if it does miss its biggest mark.
When a film that goes for less than 90 minutes still seems to drag on excessively, you know you have a problem.
An incredibly entertaining British crime flick and a masterclass from one of the most intriguing stars around.
Pan comes close to being a success, but misses almost every mark by just a hair.
Ex Machina’s minimalistic approach and measured pace may be a deal-breaker for some, but those open to more theoretical sci-fi will find plenty to explore.
For better or worse, Child’s Pose (Pozitia Copilului in its native Romania) is a film that shoves you in amongst its characters. Its decompressed pace and clinical focus on the minutia of the plot allow your frustration to naturally mirror
Written by Zac Platt. After Earth’s trailer hooked me straight away. An original sci-fi story with Will and Jaden Smith in a desperate struggle against a romanticized vision of the forces of nature. But as quick as it came, any