Gord Downie’s Animated Film ‘The Secret Path’ is Overwhelming, Compulsory Viewing, and It’s Here For You to Watch
The work of a dying man; a gift to the nation he loved dearly and hated in equal measure. It is perfect.
The work of a dying man; a gift to the nation he loved dearly and hated in equal measure. It is perfect.
Ian Holm, Sarah Polley and Bruce Greenwood, among others, star in what stands as one of the best films of the ’90s.
Gut-busting laughs and overwhelmingly uncomfortable situations are on offer in this underseen comedy-reality gem.
Brilliantly written, flawlessly performed and directed to perfection.
A kinetic ‘Alice In Wonderland’-like fable that wears its “cult” badge proudly.
Our latest under-seen masterpiece is a mixed bag of thematic contrasts that attempt to make sense of a complicated mind.
A low-budget Aussie horror-comedy fans of zombie pics should put on their list.
A discarded rubber tire comes to life in the desert and discovers the ability to make people’s heads explode with sheer will power. Yep.
An absorbing and thrilling Western driven by robust characterisation and gritty action. We look at Kevin Costner’s forgotten gem…
The Jammed journeys into the human trafficking industry in a realistically grim fashion. Our latest Hidden Gem is a film impossible to look away from…