Netflix Confirms ‘The Sandman’ Will Be Ending with Season 2
Showrunner Allan Heinberg says they made this decision early on…
Showrunner Allan Heinberg says they made this decision early on…
Things start a little too happy, which can only mean things are probably going to be terrible by the episode’s end.
After a season of only two-parters, Doctor Who finally produces its first standalone episode.
The return of Maisie William’s Ashildr, whom the Doctor inadvertently made immortal last episode.
And suddenly, they’re surrounded by a pack of Vikings. Of course!
While this follows the basic structure, there are some new elements that make this a really great episode.
We start, still on Skaro, with Clara hanging upside down.
The Doctor’s ninth chapter is off to a great start.
Slight spoilers ahead for those who have yet to see the premiere episode: The long-awaited first episode of Doctor Who‘s eighth series finally aired, with Doctor Peter Capaldi making his highly anticipated debut as the 12th titular Time Lord. Penned as