10 Must-See Extreme Sports Documentaries
Ten fantastic documentaries exploring some truly gutsy individuals and what drives them to take on such risks…
Ten fantastic documentaries exploring some truly gutsy individuals and what drives them to take on such risks…
Do not listen to us. Or do.
Written by Adam Carson. Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg have written and directed This is the End, a disaster-comedy loosely adapted from a 2007 short film entitled Jay and Seth Versus the Apocalypse. The film focuses on Rogen and Jay
Written by Adam Carson. Back in 1981 Sam Raimi introduced the world to The Evil Dead, a low-budget horror film which quickly became a cult classic. Over 30 years later there is now a new addition to the franchise in
Written by Adam Carson. 10. Dredd (2012) Sticking true to the comic source material, Dredd debuted guns blazing in 2012. Judge Dredd (Karl Urban) and his inexperienced sidekick, Judge Anderson (Olivia Thirlby), are forced to bring order to a
Written by Adam Carson. As a spiritual offspring from the writers of The Hangover (Jon Lucas and Scott Moore), there were somewhat high hopes in this tale of three friends who drink the night away, encountering wild situations and engaging