May 2014

Maleficent REVIEW

They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Apparently, that saying applies tenfold to fairies. Angelina Jolie is stunning in her role as Maleficent, from her impeccable blood red lips to those perfectly carved cheekbones, but unfortunately she’s found herself in a film that feels half developed. While Jolie’s accent provides cringe worthy moments whenever […]

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Reviewed as part of the Sydney Film Festival 2014. Click HERE for screening information and to purchase tickets. Generally speaking, filmmaking is a long process. From the development period, to the post-production technicalities, the road from page to screen can be lengthy. Shooting itself is usually the shortest period, and while Boyhood’s accumulated shooting period

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‘Child’s Pose’ MOVIE REVIEW: Raw Drama Explores the Pros and Cons of a Mother’s Love

For better or worse, Child’s Pose (Pozitia Copilului in its native Romania) is a film that shoves you in amongst its characters. Its decompressed pace and clinical focus on the minutia of the plot allow your frustration to naturally mirror the cast. As they all bicker and try to control their situation, you find yourself

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